Welcome to 4s!!
October Dear Families, It’s so hard to believe that it’s October already! We made the first month of school and we’ve had so much fun getting to know all our friends! This month we will be looking at real and pretend, pumpkins, spiders, fire safety and the bones in our bodies. Our letters for this month are D, E, F,G and H. We’ll look at the numbers 3, 4 and 5. We will continue to work on shapes and colors as well as cutting with scissors and other fine motor skills. Our Bible words are God Is Love, 1 John 4:8. We will be talking about families from the Bible. Some things to remember for October: -Our $ave Around Fundraiser will begin October 1st and end on October 24th. – School Pictures will be taken Tuesday October 8th and Wednesday October 9th. -Sharing will begin the first week of October. Your child may bring one item to share. They may put the item in a bag in their cubby. Please, no weapons and the item will need to fit in their cubby. -Our Service Project this month is the Women’s and Children’s Alliance. We will be collecting assorted foods as well as other needs. There will be a list posted next to the sign in. -Book orders are online ordering only at https://www.clubs.scholastic.com. Orders are due October 15th. Our class code is FZNG9. If any part of your order is a gift, please let us know so that we may get it to you discreetly. -Chapel will be October 16th and 17th. AM classes will be in Chapel at 11:00 for the am classes and 1:00 for the pm classes. Please join us if you can. -The church will put on a Trunk or Treat on Wednesday, October 16th at 6:30 pm. Please be on the lookout for details later in the month. -Our Halloween Celebrations are on Wednesday, October 30th and Thursday the 31st. Feel free to send treats for treat bags. All treats must be prepackaged. And please no homemade treats and remember that we strive to be a nut free facility. Children are welcome to wear bathroom friendly costumes to school. -Please refer to our handbook if your child is not feeling well. And really, if your child is feeling off, please keep them home. -When you sign your child in, please remember to check their folder for art and communiques. -We still have a few openings. If you know of anyone needing a Preschool, please have them give Mrs. Anderson a call at 208-362-5919. -The first person to email me with the Bible verse for the month will win a prize! Keep reading the newsletter! God Bless, Deana DuVall, Lisa Nelson and Patsy Gordon [email protected] School 208-362-5919, Cell 208-870-5367 |